Voice Camp

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Molara is an inspirational singer, songwriter, performer and artist, who's maternal grandfather was a founder member of the George Formby Society, whilst her father's cousin was the infamous Fela Kuti.

Katy is a songwriter, performer and community choir leader from Birmingham and will be teaching arrangements of some of her own folk(ish) songs. Everyone welcome!

Susie is looking forward to sharing some gorgeous songs and her ongoing sessions will be a space to open and weave both voices and hearts.

Rosie is passionate about bringing people together in joyful harmony and can’t wait to teach some of her own songs at her Voice Camp workshop.

Ali Orbaum and Dee Jarlett are excited to be returning this year to teach once more as a team.

Nick and Jon are thrilled to be returning to Unicorn Voice Camp.

Nickomo and Rasullah will be running daily sessions of  Harmonic Temple aided by Pete Linnett and Bruce Knight.

Find your voice with Rowena Whitehead Rowena will be leading 2 sessions for less confident and less experienced singers who want to find and explore their voices in a relaxed and friendly group.

I'll be teaching some of my harmony songs. My main aim is to create some auditory beauty together and have some fun along the way.

‘Ryan is a community choir leader from London, who teaches some world music and some jazzy things.

Roxane will be sharing songs that are funky and upbeat or soulful and joyous.

Anna is a singer-songwriter, vocal coach, and choir leader. She'll be weaving her interest in vocal anatomy and theory with a somatic exploration of the singing voice.

Sky is a certified leader of the Dances of Universal Peace, choir leader and experienced musician

Discover, through the gateway of Heartsong, the vibrational field of harmonic communion that is infinitely here.

Join Tarisha for a singing meditation journey through the sacred elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Her evenings in the yurt unfold in a magical way and the medicine of the songs are felt whether you rest and listen or join whole-heartedly.

Sarah is a highly experienced and enthusiastic voice teacher from Devon, who inspires confidence and trust in her singers, so that together they can ravel and unravel the wonder of a new song.

Dora is an energetic teacher who creates music embracing the fun of group dynamic and development. her drop in class will play with fun four part harmony Arrangements.

Sophia has been facilitating inspiring workshops for 16 years and is passionate about supporting people to experience the healing power of the voice.

Jo will be leading a drop-in session with Jane Shann offering a workshop blending sign language with song.

Alice has over 14 years’ experience of directing choirs and community music projects in the UK and New Zealand.

Jane will be working with Jo McAndrews, offering a workshop blending sign language with song.

Her roles as a choir leader, community musician, mentor, early years music educator and performer are inspiring and encouraging for both leader and singer. Tembre has a love and passion for singing easy melodies and harmonies that are accessible to all, leading you in a natural organic way.

This will be my first camp drop-in session and we'll be doing some Circle Singing. Quick, spontaneous, easy parts with no words but lots of harmony and soul

Judith’s looking forward to holding the Sacred Songs session and giving us a gentle beginning to the days at the start of the week…

Martina will be leading an afternoon Big Sing with some friends on Sunday afternoon.She is also looking forward to leading the circle dance band to accompany Bruce's dance sessions.

Rebecca Knight will bring her enthusiasm for morning stretches, breath work and body percussion to Wake up Singing for the Thursday, Friday and Saturday sessions. Of course there’ll be a lovely variety of songs to warm up and revel in too!

Jennie is a joyful community singing workshop leader from Suffolk

This summer Briony will be working with the teenagers.

Maya Waldman is a community choir leader who lives in the wilds of West Wales and leads 2 thriving choirs.
She is looking forward to returning to the unicorn voice community with a bunch of folky, bluesy highly delicious songs.

Bruce will be leading an afternoon Big Sing with some friends on Sunday afternoon, and is also looking forward to leading a couple of alfresco circle dance sessions

Morgan will be bringing new energy to the adult and teen drumming classes, and leading Wednesday's Fire Night

Lewis is a musician and percussion teacher from Devon. He is excited to bring his passion for Frame Drumming to voice camp with beginner friendly workshops open to all.

I’ll be helping out with the teaching in the morning Harmonic Temple sessions.

In the workshop Pauline will share at least one of her original harmony songs.

Natural Voice Network

The Natural Voice Network is an organisation for practitioners who share a common philosophy and approach to voice work. They believe that singing is everyone’s birthright and are committed to teaching styles that are accepting and inclusive of all, regardless of musical experience and ability.

Our Ethos

Sensitivity, Respect and Acceptance

Our camps are alcohol and drug free creating a safe environment
There is music, song, fireside chat and laughter but no late night noise or amplified music

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