Tembre De Carteret
Tembre is happy to return to lead at Unicorn Voice Camp for 2025
Her roles as a choir leader, community musician, mentor, early years music educator and performer are inspiring and encouraging for both leader and singer. Tembre has a love and passion for singing easy melodies and harmonies that are accessible to all, leading you in a natural organic way. Following on from her first time facilitating at Unicorn Voice camp in 2022 it is lovely to have her return to lead a drop in session and three Morning song sessions.
Morning sessions she will be offering set of gentle , uplifting and nourishing songs, where she will share community songs to inspire and sooth & a Drop -in session of originals songs and connection
Tembre leads the Earthsong community in song each year in Ireland plus numerous projects such as ‘We May Sing’ online/ ‘in person’ /choirs and ‘Weaving Voices’ a song leader training in Ireland. She spends her time minding her family, composing and learning songs, creating events & leading people in song in this ever changing world in Ireland , Portugal and the UK.