11 – 15 August 2025


£270 (£295 on the gate)

This fee covers all workshops, tuition and events during the week. You are expected to bring your own food and camping equipment. Please contact the organisers if you are coming from abroad or have no transport and need camping equipment provided.

About The Camp

Camping together for these 5 days, close to nature and to each other, greatly enhances the impact of Constellation Work and provides nourishment for the soul. Supporting activities include: yoga, singing and dancing. There will also be time for quiet reflection, walking and swimming in the river.

People can arrive on Monday morning between 9am and 12pm and we’ll be done by 4pm Friday

For more information please email: emma@solace-om.co.uk

What is a Constellation?

Being part of a constellation, whether as client, facilitator, representative or member of the holding circle, is an experience which is profound and touches the deepest parts of ourselves.

It requires a major shift in our thinking and asks of us that we adopt a new paradigm – that of viewing the world and those living in it in a holistic, inter-connected way. We are urged to move beyond the dualistic nature of being, of seeing right and wrong, good and bad, cause and effect, to seeing that everything and everyone are inextricably linked, that the past and the future are not separate from the present. This is a quantum leap for some people, yet not for those already interested in Gestalt theory, permaculture, morphic resonance or quantum physics.

Doing constellation work in a yurt in a field, camping in circles round a campfire, cooking and eating together and chatting under the stars, brings us closer to the land and thus closer to our own souls. This background, alongside other supporting activities of yoga, singing and dancing, enables us to sink deeply into the process and find nurturing on all levels of our being.

Barbara Morgan has been running constellation workshops as part of the Unicorn camps for many years and warmly welcomes you to this year’s event.

Family Constellations - Family Constellations Trainer, Supervisor and Facilitator, Barbara has been
involved with constellation work since the Founder, Bert Hellinger was first
invited to England in the mid 90s.

Constellations Camp Facilitators

Monday afternoon and each morning will be a closed group facilitated by Barbara which everyone is required to attend. The theme-based optional afternoon workshops will be facilitated by a team of people who have trained with Barbara previously.

Constellations Camp Booking

Please email your name and contact details to: info@theknowingfield.com 
Numbers are limited to 45 so you are advised, wherever possible to book ahead. If you arrive without prior notification, you risk not being able to attend.


Direct Bank Transfer: Co-op Bank.  A/c No. 69611964 Sort Code 08-92-99

International payments: 

SWIFT: CPBKGB22 089 2996 961 1964 


IBAN: GB81 CPBK 089 2996 9611964

Include your Name and the relevant year of camp as a reference when making payment.

Please note: All payments must be received no later than 5 working days before the start of camp or gate price of £270 will apply.

Our Ethos

Unicorn camps have develped a culture of sensitivity, respect and acceptance which we expect to be evident in all interactions within the camp community.
Our camps are alcohol and drug free creating a safe environment
There is music, song, fireside chat and laughter but no late night noise or amplified music

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