Voice Camp

Joanna Harvey

I’ve been immersed in Vocal Improv for a few years now, studying with Briony and Guillermo, and I’m planning this session to be an exploration of Circle Singing and a lovely form called ‘Corsican Style’ Circle Singing which is a bit Jacob Collier-esque! The session should be fun, rousing and relaxing all at the same […]

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Katy Bennett

Katy has been writing and performing her own music for over 20 years and running community choirs and workshops in her adopted home of Birmingham for the last 15. She has released 7 critically acclaimed albums including her most recent ‘Alone On A Hill’, described by Songlines magazine as “Lingering spell-craft of multi-layered acappella vocals”.

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Morgan Butterfield

Morgan is a teacher and musician who brings his study of global rhythm and dynamic, interpersonal processes to a range of cultures, ages and communities. He also works as a coming of age mentor for young men, closely linked with the ethos of A Band of Brothers and The Mankind Project. Additionally, he works as

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Dora Fischer

Her roles as a choir leader, community musician, early years music educator and performer are inspiring and encouraging for both leader and singer. Dora has a love and passion for singing easy melodies and harmonies as well as tricky jucy bits, that are accessible to all, leading you in a natural organic way.

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Sky Ratcliffe

They have been teaching the dances for over 10 years, are on the Guidance Panel for DUPUK and are newly a mentor in training. Their singing experience includes their time with Stream of Sound and Village Harmony and they have a love for Georgian polyphony and Shape Note. Sky has led both singing workshops and

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Tembre De Carteret

Following on from her first time facilitating at Unicorn Voice camp in 2022 it is lovely to have her return to lead a drop in session and three Morning song sessions. Tembre leads the Earthsong community in song each year in Ireland plus numerous projects such as ‘We May Sing’ online/ ‘in person’ /choirs and

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Judith Silver

Judith is a singer, songwriter, composer, choir leader, performer and long-time member of the Natural Voice Network. In 2014 she founded CompanionVoices, an organisation that prepares those drawn to do service in this way to sing at the bedsides of people who are dying; there are currently eleven groups around the UK. After the death of

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Martina Schwarz

Martina Schwarz is a London-based musician, composer-songwriter, performer and choir-leader. She creates music for dance, theatre, puppetry and film. She performs on big and small stages, including community and health settings. www.martinaschwarz.net Martina also writes children songs and has had many of them published. Her catchy tunes continue to motivate and delight audiences around the

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