Voice Camp

Nickomo & Rasullah

Harmonic Temple involves singing short four-part harmony songs and chants based on mantras and sacred phrases from different spiritual traditions, all composed by Nickomo. http://www.nickomoandrasullah.com/harmonic-temple/harmonic-temple.htm Nickomo and Rasullah will be aided by Pete Linnett and Bruce Knight. New songs are sung each day and the session is open to all. Rasullah will also be leading […]

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Jo McAndrews

Jo has been running choirs in Stroud for the past 16 years and is part of the strong and huge network of song leaders there. She leads the LifeSong project which brings people together to grow community resilience in the face of urgent times through singing, sharing and listening.

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Tarisha Seligman

For my drop in: Singing Medicine Discover the healing power of your own voice and write a personal healing mantra. It can be one word, can be a phrase .. the beauty is in it’s simplicity. Receive the vibration of love and wellness which arises out of your own heart and perhaps even hear the

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Briony Greenhill

Briony Greenhill is “one of the world’s leading proponents of Collaborative Vocal Improvisation – CVI” – the Guardian. In this series, we’ll invent patterns and weave them together into sound baskets; bring out the solo, play with harmony, improvise with lyrics, and put it all together into beautiful concoctions. Expect challenge, delight, fun and surprises 🙂

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Rowena Whitehead

We’ll look at how the voice works, and explore how breath, posture and relaxation/tension can affect our voices, using simple exercises and songs. The sessions will be practical with a focus on healthy vocalising and I guarantee you WILL find your voice, and take away ideas for developing your vocal skills in future . Rowena

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Alison Whittall

We are one as unitive consciousness. Sharing NEW original songs of freedom, unity, peace and joy at a time of awakening and ascension. Alison is a regular, warm hearted and much loved Unicorn Voice Camp teacher who has taught for over 20 years both in the UK and in Germany. Alison is well known for

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Bruce Knight

Bruce discovered harmony singing when he attended the very first Voice Camp in 1998.   He lives in Warwickshire and leads community choirs and circle dance for a living.  He enjoys songs with simple dances and enjoys creating his own acappella arrangements.  When not singing he can often be found leading board game sessions in the

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