Dance Camp


Harmonic Temple – Nickomo will be leading sessions of Harmonic Temple. Nickomo and Rasullah have recently produced a third CD and booklet of dances based on the Druid tradition.

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Tara Greaves

Circle Dance – I have been dancing for over 40 years. My most influential teachers were Keith Armstrong and Colin Harrison both of whom learnt directly from Bernard Vosien at Findhorn.

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Karim Hadden

Devotional Singing & Climate Adaptation – I love the way that Devotional Singing and the Dances can open a door in our hearts, connecting us to each other and to the streams of blessing that they bring. There is a deep joy and transformative power in sharing this together.

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Simon McIntosh

Emergent Space – Simon is a heart-centred coach who facilitates heart intelligence retreats with his partner Christina Gulzar, in Britain and internationally. Camp is a wonderful place for this transformational work of coming into more loving acceptance of who we truly are.

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Jo Hanstead

Circle Dance Band & Devotional Singing – I coordinate the Circle Dance band, which from mid-week is open to all musicians who feel confident to learn traditional tunes, either by ear or with music, ready to accompany the evening circle dance.

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Barbara Morgan

Family Constellations – UKCP registered Gestalt Psychotherapist and Family Constellations Practitioner, Barbara has been involved with constellation work since the Founder, Bert Hellinger was first invited to England in the mid 90s.

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Hannah Jewel

Sufi Whirling – Hannah Jewel, PhD, is passionate about complementary and alternative healthcare as it relates to development of the full human potential. She has been in private clinical practice and teaching since 2002. Her work with movement and the body has set ten seasons of choreography and performance into motion including three seasons of whirling performance.

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Rowan Brook-Thompson

Creative Arts for Children – I specialize in teaching creative arts, including music, drama and painting.  From the beginning I have used the Dances as an integral part of my daily teaching to enhance community and for exploring spiritual ideas.

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Mike McElya

Drumming & Firenight – Since founding his Sunshine Drumming Company in 1994, the percussionist Mike McElya has been winning a great reputation for his charismatic blend of instruction, inspiration, team-building and entertainment.

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