Here are some videos about our camps.
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An introduction to the various activities and workshops at the Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp in Somerset, England. (3 minutes)
Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp - An Introduction to the Workshops - View...
It is a great joy to present an original documentary film, three years in the making, about the Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp in England. Professional filmmaker Chris Garrett has brought all his considerable sensitivity and artistry to bear to create a unique document of the camp community during its 25th anniversary year. (23 minutes)
Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp - Full Documentary - View...
Short trailer film by filmmaker Chris Garrett. (1 minute)
Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp - Trailer Film - View...
A short introduction to the Unicorn Village Camps. (2 minutes)
We Camp in Circles
Our Ethos
Unicorn camps have develped a culture of sensitivity, respect and acceptance which we expect to be evident in all interactions within the camp community.
Our camps are alcohol and drug free creating a safe environment
There is music, song, fireside chat and laughter but no late night noise or amplified music