Helen Chadwick

I'll be teaching some of my harmony songs. My main aim is to create some auditory beauty together and have some fun along the way.

A songwriter, composer, recording artist and workshop leader, my background is in theatre and I create song-theatre shows and compose songs for theatre, concerts, cathedrals, opera, dance and young singers and movers, alongside performing and recording. I started my first community choir in Stroud in 1981 (an early one!) after a workshop with Frankie in 1979, started another for women in Cardiff, then one for actors and staff at the National Theatre, then founded the Georgian choir now called Maspindzeli, and created and conducted the first three choirs for SING FOR WATER, a project dreamed up in response to UK war-mongering. Thanks to many others, including many of you, and including the magnificent Roxane, the project has continued to flourish and make a difference for over twenty years. I no longer run a regular choir but lead workshops all over the place and love to do just that.

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