Glen Unmana
Dances of Universal Peace - Glen is a student of the dances for twenty-five years, he has given hundreds of workshops and longer retreats across many countries in Europe and beyond. Connecting heart to heart and hand to hand, these sacred dances transform us breath by breath and step by step.
The dances are a tool for the transmission of blessing that opens the heart to qualities of love and reconnects dancers to the natural state of pure awareness beyond thought.
Glen speaks of the Dances in this way: “Through the use of mantras, music and movement, these Dances reconnect us to the flow of life, to our hearts and to our divine nature. Simple in appearance, on a deeper level they are also a channel for the transmission of blessing.”
Accompanied by his guitar, Glen’s craft takes us into the depths of our being and transports us into a state of pure joy and heart opening – the state of natural presence. May we dance, may we sing, may we celebrate together our innate and underlying connectedness and unity!
Visit Glen’s website for hours of free streaming meditative and joyous music from the dances, as well as videos, calendar of events and more.