Alina Gote
Having been brought up and immersed in the Dance and Sufi family in Germany since birth, Alina now walks the path of a Dance Leader and a Sufi Mureed (student), following her own inner search for authenticity and meaning since her teen years.
She has been invited to lead dances at events and camps in Europe, Asia and Oceania. Since last year Alina has become part of the team which are supporting, guiding and holding space for the youth at German dance camp.
Her dedication and devotion to the Sufi path keeps her seeking out ways to further deepen her leading and guiding, travelling to different countries and studying with masters and teachers of our time.
She is also trained in voice, breath and speech therapy following the Schlaffhorst-Andersen method.
Alina has recently moved back to Germany after having lived in England and Scotland for the past three years.